beBee background
Rodrigo León

Rodrigo León

Professional in Finance & Accounting

Contabilidad / Finanzas

Heredia, Heredia


Sobre Rodrigo León:

Professional and active Consultant with experience infinance, accounting, production, costs, and budgets.Management and Execution of administrative tasks such asControllership, General Management, FinancialManagement, General Accounting, and Cost Accounting.
Meticulous with details and oriented to the achievement ofgoals and results. Strong skills for leadership andcoordination between multidisciplinary departments.
Looking for a fast and challenging environment, oriented togeneral, administrative, and financial operations, to theresolution of problems of various kinds.
Accustomed to working in groups and individually


Financial Planning Coordinator & Financial Coordinator in MKT Division

OMNi Tech Lab
Functions: In charge in the Marketing division of all financial accounting issues, costing ofprojects and productions for the rest of the company's divisions.
Development of thefinancial model to make Marketing independent in a new company. From September todate I am also part of the group of analysts of the company's Planning Division.
Control in the Marketing division of the production cost model,investment in Social Media, planning of payment flows, negotiations with suppliers, andmonitoring of internal projects of the other divisions of the company such as Mobility,Commercial, Technology, etc. .
In the area of financial planning, modeling for divisions such as Commercial,Administration, Marketing and recently in models of
investments whit companies inMéxico and Spain.


Accounting - Administrator

Air Evac International

In charge of the general administration, financial and accounting processes ofthe
companies: Unimed Health Sistem S.A., Ambulacias IMR S.A., Air Evac Intl and Central
America Life Flight, with a presence in the main tourist areas of Costa Rica and a
structure of 3 Clinics, 12 land and air ambulances for tourist care local and internationalhealth insurance.
1-Establish an internal control system with which it was possible to orderthe accounting information to present financial statements in the first days of the month.2-Implement company income and expense policies. 3-Coordination with home
Matrix regarding the correct documentation for collection through insurance
internationally and locally with the insurers with which they have contracts.
4-Keep updated and reconciled the intercompany records as well as implement thetransfer pricing system between the companies of Costa Rica, Mexico and the UnitedStates.

Sr.Financial Analyst - of Balance Sheet Substantiation
Citi Shared Services

Functions: In charge of the migration of operations and technology (O&T) processes fromthe bank in Colombia to the shared services center in Costa Rica.
Responsible for preparing reconciliation packages for different balance sheet accountssuch as Loans, cards, accounts receivable and payable, taxes and other +500 balance sheetaccounts.
Identify, communicate and escalate differences, seniority and open items of the differentaccounts with: Accountants and other strategic partners of the organization such as: LegalEntity Manager and Country Controller.
: 1-Migrate the accounts in the expected time, maintain the different stableprocesses as delivered by the accountants. Change and strengthen the supportmethodology according to the BSS Global Policies.
2-Implement reconciliation packages in an automated centralized system (Frontier)according to the variables used in the account tests.
3-Successfully pass the internal and external audit processes of the different accounts incharge.
4-Recharge of accounts in charge of colleagues who moved to other positions + 200balance accounts.
5-Responsible for the monitoring and preparation of metrics in processes communicatedto Managers.


Bachelor Degree in Business Administration 

emphasis in accounting

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