Adrian Rodríguez
3D Dental CAD Designer
Tecnología / Internet
Sobre Adrian Rodríguez:
Nearly 7 years of experience on 3D dental industry, B2 English, Office 365, Trainer of new Hires, supporter in a team, treatment planner.
I like to learn new things I have a loot of curiosity so if I dont know somthing I research that.
I was working with 4 years 10 months with Align Technology and 1 year and 9 months on Lightforce orthodontics.
On this works I learn a loot of Dental industry and improve my english level also I have the opportunity on Align technology to be a supporter and to train new hires.
My basic studies were on Liceo de Moravia, I was studie computer science on La Universidad Hispano Americana but I dont finished yet.